Monday, February 9, 2009


Sleeping has never been an issue for me, eating on the other hand....


Annalise said...

I was toying with the idea of posting on my blog tonight, but now I think I'm going to bed instead!!

♥ Michele ♥ said...

Wow, and all this time I have been wondering why I'm so skinny. Come to find out it's because I'm sleeping 8 hours a night!

janet said...

One would think I could do this!!!!!!!!

Shilea said...

Does this mean I can sleep in instead of going to boot camp and not feel guilty about it???? Hmmmmm...I'll have to think about that one!!!

Stephanie said...

That's crazy! Man this just makes me want to go to bed!

Jen said...

how were they able to sleep for that long? i WISH i could sleep 7.2 hours a night! i'm lucky if i get 6!

Elizabeth Checchio said...

Pardon me, but that has to be crap! I was super skinny when I was only sleeping 4 hours a night, and now....well, not as skinny. ;-)